Saturday, October 13, 2012

First post

So this is a blog? Nice. I am a young mom with 2 kids that I adore and a wonderful hubby. I am also a writer and dabble in painting.
Pardon me a moment, my oldest is throwing a tantrum over a piece of paper his brother took from him.

I thought screams like that we're reserved for ass my youngest is trying to eat tissue paper. There are many things they don't tell you after your home pregnancy test says positive. One thing you should know is that one day you probably will be on the phone with Poison control and the conversation will go something like this:
Me: hello? My son ate his diaper! What do I do?!
Dude: what's your child's name?
Me: Leroy. Is that really important? ( I think they have a file on me now)
Dude: as long as he isn't choking there isn't really anything in it that can harm him.
Me: so he doesn't need his stomach pumped or anything?
Dude: no just give him something to drink and watch him.

I never thought I would go in and see my child bare ass naked with a shredded diaper everywhere. I would have liked to think it wouldn't occurred to him to eat something so gross but he did. Got me right in the motherhood with that one.

What is so terrible about the terrible 2's? Well for one the screaming is at a pitch that would shatter glass and it occurs very frequently over things as small as saying the word "bed". We don't use the b word anymore, nor do we use the n word (nap).

Well I am going to keep this post short cuz I'm on my phone and I'm lazy. Plus it's my blog so I can do what I want. Btw, if you correct my grammar I will call you a poo face, so don't do that.

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