Saturday, October 20, 2012


I tried to make a tumblr account. I felt like a caveman trying to create fire. I couldn't figure shit out! I made my screen name my password and my email my screen name and I don't even know what I made my password! I am technologically impaired. It was scary. Then I tried to find people to follow which was as intimidating as the first day of school. I can't do it! I couldn't find anyone and there were all these posts in foreign languages! I was on the verge of a panic attack when I suddenly decided fuck technology! Fuck it in it's smug dimly lit ass! I deleted everything and haven't looked back. Sorry Tmblr, it's nothing personal but your life is too complicated and I need someone with less baggage. It's not you, it's me. Okay, it's like 90% you and 10% me.

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