Sunday, October 21, 2012

Karma's only a bitch if you are

Some days blow. Some days are unfair. Some days aren't worth the effort it takes to chew through the restraints. Know what makes them worse? Giving up and being a moody little cunt. I have days where I am a total bitch. I know it's hard to believe since I am so utterly charming and delightful but it's true. But those days don't get better. If I force myself to be nice and to be productive I feel a little better. If I force myself to smile and be pleasant I eventually forget the things that drive me nuts... At least for a little while.

We all have shit to deal with. Some have it tougher than others. But trying to look at the good seems to help me. I have a loving husband. I have an amazing mother. I have two sweet little babies. Life is good. Sometimes you can't be happy all the time. Some days you break. I am trying to be a better communicator and on those days voice that it's just a rough day and no one's fault.

I wonder if Tupperware still farts. When I was a kid it did. They might have changed that. Christ I feel old. Kids don't know what transistor radios are or that there were penny candy stores. Pluto used to be a planet and corn was a vegetable. Brontosaurus was even a dinosaur. My kids will look at me and tell me I don't know anything and I will quietly nod in agreement.

Why am I telling you this? Cuz it's my goddamn blog! That's why!

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